12 reasons Europeans live longer than Nigerians

According to the latest WHO data published in 2013 life expectancy in Nigeria is: male 53.7, female 55.4 and total life expectancy is 54.5 which gives Nigeria a World Life Expectancy ranking of 177. Why are Nigerians dying so young?

Below are the twelve reasons why life is short in Nigeria. There may be more: 

1. Communal killings: Communal killings have dominated Nigeria’s national life since Independence. More Nigerians have died from sporadic communal killings than in other parts of the world. We have had flash points in Jos, Northern Nigeria and other parts of the country. These deaths often claim hundreds of lives in their prime.  

2. Poor health care: Nigeria’s healthcare system is in shambles. Our hospitals are mere consulting clinics. Many Nigerians go to hospitals and end up in the morgue. The state of healthcare is the reason why Nigerians die early.

 3. Crime: In Nigeria, one can easily fall to crime such as kidnapping, abduction and ritual killing. Only recently,  a school leaver going to write examination into the university was abducted and later found dead having been raped. Many more Nigerians have died through this means. 

4. Poor nutrition: According to statistics from UNICEF, one in five Nigerian children do not live to see their fifth birthday due to malnutrition. 

5. Harsh condition of life: Life is hard in Nigeria. Majority of the over one hundred and seventy million people live below poverty line. People die from simple ailments that an average European would ordinarily take for granted. In Nigeria, the living condition is poor. Noise level, traffic gridlock, car honking all contribute to stress. Even poor environment where people inhale dirty air is a contributing factor. Compare this to the serene life in many European cities where there is Clean Air Act and strong compliance and enforcement of standards. These contribute to the healthy life of an average European.

 6. Poor infrastructure: Poor infrastructure such as roads often lead to accidents with many lives lost. More Nigerians died from road accidents that in any part of the world.

Graph showing causes of death in Nigeria

7. Extra judicial killings: In Nigeria, if one does not die from other causes, one is sure to die from accidental or intentional police shooting.

 8. Building collapse: The rate at which buildings collapse in Nigeria now makes it a major cause of death.

 9. Malaria: In Nigeria, malaria kills faster than AIDS. It is the number one cause of death among infants. 

10. Heart Disease: Heart disease and hypertension which used to be common among the elderly also kill is another cause of death for young people.

 11. Witches and wizards: Believe it or not, many Nigerians believe life can be cut short by the evil machinations of witches and wizards. How far that is true is what one cannot begin to test. If you want to find out, visit a place of worship and hear Nigerians pray against evil spirits. 

12. Ignorance: In Nigeria, ignorance is behind many untimely deaths. An average Nigerian work all year round while a European takes a break for vacation. How many public parks are in Lagos for example? The green areas are built up leading to poor quality of life of the people.

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