This stranger changed my children’s life - Read story

i still can’t  get over what this lady did to my children and sharing this story I am sure will help several parents out there…Letting strangers into my home is one thing I usually watch but for this lady it was a different case. I think that was about 2years ago she said she had been asked to come see me. Immediately I placed a call through to my husband and he confirmed it so I let her. This was the beginning of the turn-around.

I have a set of beautiful 9 year old twins (male and female) and raising them has been tough, every mother would love to have set of twins but their upkeep is one uphill task. Twins are a real handful. The male one Peterson was excessively shy, he would hardly talk even at home and it was so worrisome.  I would try to teach him things and he would say he understood but when I asked questions he would not respond. Thankfully, my daughter Deborah was the opposite but her hatred for mathematics was legendary and without Mathematics, how would she pass the common entrance exams?

Peterson was 16th position in a class of 22 students for 2 years, I had attended various Parent Teacher association meetings, met with the teacher personally and even tried to help him myself all to no avail. Little did I know that meeting this stranger Mrs.Clara would mark a turning point in the performance of my kids. 

Mrs.Clara was the tutor sent from Prepclassan academic solutions provider in Lagos. I had heard about them from a source I really can’t remember at this point and apparently so had my husband and even some other family friends we felt they might be able to help our kids. Clara had 8years experience as a teacher and private tutor. She was familiar with the Nigerian and British curriculum as well as the Montessori method of teaching which is most acceptable nowadays.
Sincerely, there was no significant change in the performance of my kids for the first month, but the woman was very diligent, professional, punctual and cheerful. By the second month I had a meeting with her and she revealed to me something shocking. Peterson was being bullied in school and that was one of the major reasons he had developed a shy personality and did not act as lively as most boys his age. 

Mrs. Clara was kind enough to follow me to the school, we investigated and found it was true and that matter was resolved immediately.
Peterson started to improve as the improvement was quite noticeable, her method of teaching was radically different from anything I had seen and I knew that was because the classes were just between a tutor and 2 students, they would discuss, do class activities, and do home works together. She had a lot of time to study and understand the kids and teach them severalmnemonics to aid easy understanding. By the third month I knew my kids were improving, they had even started studying together during leisure hours rather than doing other things and to my surprise it was Peterson teaching his twin Deborah mathematics, they both bragged about the new things they learned and thus shared knowledge.

Getting a prepclass tutor was one of the best my husband and I made for my children last year. My kids improved radically. The 1st term results came out and my son was 6th, my daughter also went up in class by the term after that they were both in top 3 of their class. Beyond the rise in the grades, I was amazed at the passion they developed for studying.

When my husband and I were to decide which secondary school they would go to, we were confused because their academic performance had quickly opened up so many opportunities that didn’t exist before, they got some massive recognition. Their common entrance results were the best in their school, they were applying for scholarships at prestigious secondary schools. I was overwhelmed with Joy, you all know how a mother with this kind of story will feel 

Getting a teacher from the school was an option but getting someone with a totally different technique really helped.Getting a tutor has never been easier than using Prepclass tutors.

Simply fill their home tutor request form here .They take extra pain in ensuring that they understand your needs, a client relationship officer will visit you to understand what your expectations are and determine the kind of tutor that would be capable of fulfilling your expectation. In our case, they got us a professional female tutor who lives close by, had a lot of exposure and experience and Prepclass was constantly providing support in regard to curriculum and even materials for the tutors.

They can be easily reached ?
Simply call 01-2913790 or08059811502. Click here to get a tutor from them today. You can drop by at their new office which is on the 3rd floor 315 Herbert Macualay Road Yaba Lagos.

Do you need a  tutor in lagos for your child who is having academic/learning difficulties, for exam preparation, language learning, skill/music learning etc?Prepclass has over 15,000 tutors in Lagos alone who can handle any level of subject complexity and bring out the very best in your child.

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