Man recounts how he fled his marriage after many years of unhappiness

A man has recounted how he endured marriage for so many years and finally freed himself after waiting for all his kids grow up and leave home. He also left his properties and cash for his wife who he said he had second thoughts about almost immediately after they got married. According to him,
"I was having second thoughts about the marriage almost immediately. I was thinking about asking for an annulment, but then we got pregnant. So I stuck it out for 20 years.
I did really well for myself during that time. I was making $100,000 per year as a lawyer. That was a lot of money in the sixties. We lived on the finest street in Charlotte. But I was still miserable. So the moment the kids were grown, I took off. I left my wife everything. I left her the house, the bank account, the Mercedes, everything. I didn't even say goodbye. I just dictated a note to my secretary, called the Rolls Royce dealership, and told them to pick up the car at the airport.  I flew to New York with nothing but $800, screaming: Free at last, free at last, free at last!"

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