President Buhari is digging the deepest well in Nigeria

President Muhammadu Buhari came into the saddle of leadership for a change during a very difficult time when Nigeria is facing many different problems. Joe Igbokwe from Lagos calls on Nigerians to pray for their president, explaining the reasons why Buhari needs God.

President Buhari is digging the deepest well in Nigeria 

God Almighty in whose all Almighty hands are the destinies of nations and individuals please protect this president and his cabinet members.

A time comes in the life of any country when good men take the centre stage to reorder the course of events. A time comes in the life of any nation when men must stand up to say enough is enough. I have been screaming from the roof top to anybody who cares to listen that President Buhari is doing the unthinkable in Nigeria. President Buhari is digging the deepest well in Nigeria. This man is breaking his back for Nigeria to come alive again. President is jumping from California to Catalina Island, a distance of 26 Kilometers even though it looks an impossible task. President Buhari is going the whole hog to clear the Augean Stable PDP left behind in 16 years. This man is going extra miles to recover the soul of Nigeria stolen for 16 years. This man is biting bullets to retake Nigeria that has been plundered and pillaged to bones in 16 years.

I am a student of the Bible and at a time like this we are told as Christians is to pray for the leader whom God has chosen at a time like this. Given the magnitude of corruption, impunity, lawlessness and brigandage in our country today every right thinking person must rise up to offer a helping hand. Forces of darkness who want the maintenance of the status quo are very rich, very powerful, and well connected. They are capitalizing on the massive poverty they have created in the land to take advantage of the weak and the vulnerable. They have used massive poverty as an instrument to work on the psychology of our people. Now our people are poor, weak , dejected and confused. Our God, our Helper must do something for his people who are down, robbed and plundered.

God was on the side of APC and President Buhari 

Throughout history I have known that our Creator cannot send you on a battle and leave you empty handed. He always arm those who genuinely love him and even those who do love him for a purpose and care for His people. You do not need to be a Christian for God to recognize you. After all Cyrus did not know God as written in Isaiah 45  and yet God blessed him. President Buhari did not emerge as president last year for nothing . God has a purpose for putting this man in the saddle at a time like this. If money, soldiers, police , secret police, powerful men and women, political structures, networks etc were the yardstick for winning the 2015 Elections PDP would cruised to victory. But God was on the side of APC and President Buhari. From the unexpected quarters he raised Buhari to come and restore hope in the land. But will this job be easy as milking a cow. We are seeing that it is not an easy task. Corruption is fighting back in the from all directions; the judiciary, MDAs, National Assembly , Banks, and from a vast preponderance of other institutions in Nigeria. This man needs all the support from all and sundry to succeed.
I am therefore invoking Psalm 20 on this day of March 21 2015 to encourage this President at a time like this. Please pray with me: 

“The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend thee;  Send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion;  Remember all thy offerings, and accept thy burnt sacrifice; Selah.  Grant thee according to thine own heart, and fulfil all thy counsel.  We will rejoice in thy salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners: the Lord fulfil all thy petitions.  Now know I that the Lord saveth his anointed; he will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand.  Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.  They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright.  Save, Lord: let the king hear us when we call.”

Corruption must not defeat Buhari and Nigeria

 You can be an APC or PDP member, a Christian, Muslim , a professional, a trader, a market man or woman, student, artisans , laborer, carpenter etc and you firmly believe in President Buhari’s drive for a new Nigeria, all you need to do is to key in to this project to pray for the president to succeed. If you like what the president is doing today, if you are a lover of good things, if you are lover equity, Justice and Fair Play, if you hate corruption, and impunity, if you believe in the project Nigeria under Buhari, if you want our country to join the comity of civilized world, if you want our economy to grow, if you want Nigeria to rebuild her infrastructure, please key in to this project.

Light and darkness have no meeting point. Hope and hopelessness have no meeting point and so it is good for leadership and bad leadership. A country deserves the kind of leaders it gets. As man thinks so he is. The Holy book says we should not cast away our confidence in God which has great reward. Corruption must not defeat Buhari and Nigeria. If God is with us as a mighty terrible one, the enemies of Nigeria will crumble and they will not succeed no matter how powerful they are. Their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten. This should be our prayers at a time like this. Amen!

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