How to avoid getting distracted by boys/men

Temilolu Okeowo
Our darling mother-in-the-Lord,
May the Lord bless you. I love your write-ups. But I think women are to blame. I am female too. However, some women make their female daughters believe they are only good for cooking, marriage and child bearing. So, instead of the girl to be serious with her academics, she rather buys seductive clothes and make-up to go to parties in search of a rich man. Some women even connect their daughters with men old enough to be their father.
Dear Aunty Temilolu,
May God in His infinite mercies bless the good work of your hands and grant you your heart desires. You have really impacted Nigerian girls positively. Please how can we avoid being distracted by guys?
My darling, precious, glorious, dignified, world-famous and heavenly celebrated Nigerian sisters,
In the last two weeks, I’ve been discussing “the distraction called boyfriend.” And as I earlier mentioned, it’s normal for boys and girls to fall in love with each other in their early teens but it should never be allowed to grow because of its distractive nature and its tendencies to make one do silly things. Even in your late teens, it could distract you so much and have negative effects on you when you should be laying a platform for a solid foundation for your life spiritually, academically etc. Today, I’ll give you a few keys on how you can avoid being distracted from what matters most. After all, there’s time for everything!
We all have an understanding that in life, both good and evil exist. And we are also aware that goodness comes from God and evil is championed by the devil because above all things, God wishes us to prosper and enjoy life in spite of tribulations. We must not also forget that the devil’s mission in our lives is to fight God’s wonderful plans for us. And he knows once he attacks us and succeeds in incapacitating us in our youth, we can never become what we were destined to be. And one of his attacks is wrecking havoc in the lives of youth all over the world with sexual immorality which stems from ungodly relationships. A lot of youth have been diverted from their destiny; polluted and manipulated right from childhood. Sometimes, it could be from what they have been watching on TV or the romance novel they’ve been reading. Or what would you say about a teenager who got addicted to pornography and masturbation because he always hid under the bed to watch along with his unsuspecting parents. Most of you don’t even know what you are doing; too many of you are lost and just find yourselves doing what the devil and his agents want you to do. Peer pressure, social media? Do you have to bow?
Everything about our existence on earth is spiritual so is good and evil. Right from the time a child arrives into the world, he/she must be soaked in the spiritual as much as possible. The state of one’s mind controls one’s life and if it is corrupted by darkness, one can’t live a normal life. If your spirit is connected to God, you will have a strong grip on your destiny and become exactly what God created you to be. Of course, a lot of temptations would come your way but when connected to God; His spirit is in total control. And one thing I know is He never recommended boyfriends. Did He? Of course, He recommended marriage; however, there are godly steps to take before getting to that stage and deciding to settle down with one person.
Parents, it is the wisest thing to ensure your child’s emotions, motions, walk and entire life is scripture-controlled. Life is pivoted on laws, rules and regulations. God’s kingdom operates on spiritual principles and to have the best of Him, these principles must be strictly adhered to. Otherwise, the devil would take over that destiny and distract it from God’s divine agenda. A sure way is by obeying God’s commandments and studying the scriptures consistently. By so doing, one is reading God and rubbing minds with him. Now tell me, how can darkness overshadow a life that is filled with light? Don’t forget lust is a spirit and holiness is also a spirit! A mind without God is the devil’s play ground. If children can master the lyrics of the latest hip-hop songs word for word and still have fantastic grades, then they should be able to memorise hundreds of verses in the scripture which will keep the devil away and catapult their destiny. Save yourself from trouble in future, preserve and guard your child’s destiny jealously. That child is not too young to know God and be filled with His spirit. The best time to know God is NOW!
To be continued.
I invite you to be my friend on facebook –TEMILOLU OKEOWO (not Temilolu okeowo girls club).
Are you still engaging in pre-marital sex? Each act devalues you! Your wonders are waiting to start. God is waiting for you to become a Secondary virgin! You are most welcome on board the chastity campaign train and Girls Club is open for all girls and ladies. Please text your name, age, school or occupation and State of domicile to 07086620576.
The Girls Club of Nigeria is aimed at influencing a positive change in the female folk and re-orientating the Nigerian girl. Amongst other things, to promote and enhance the development of girls by instilling a sense of self-worth, competence, usefulness, belonging and influence while of course restoring traditional moral values and encouraging the girls to toe the paths of righteousness. If this generation can make amends, the next generation will come out clean.
Chastity does not belong to the past. It saves you a lot of trouble, preserves your beautiful destiny and stands you out from the crowd. You are better off not engaging in pre-marital and extra-marital sex. Stay chaste!

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